USA Itinerary

Itinerary for my first USA tour. Open to suggestions! :-)

Today, I got approval for Visa and now next thing I need to do is book flight ticket and accommodation.
Following is my revised itinerary:

  • Oct 16 – Reach Los Angeles to my friend Harshal’s place.
  • Oct 17 – Client meetings. Whole day.
  • Oct 18-19 – Weekend in or around LA!
  • Oct 20-22 – Attend and Speak @ Nginx Conf.
  • Oct 23 – Trip to San Jose to meet Harsh.
  • Oct 24 – Don’t know.
  • Oct 25-26 – Attend WordCamp San Francisco.
  • Oct 27 – Return to India from SF.

If you are a friend from USA, please pass your suggestions.
If you are a developer friend, you may pass your suggestions as a pull-request on Github! 😀

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