
Current work


  1. rtCamp – WordPress consultancy agency I founded back in 2009. rtCamp has the honor of becoming the first VIP partner from Asia.
  2. EasyEngine – This project makes managing WordPress sites using Nginx easy. I love this project because it’s helping many not-so-techie WordPress site owners enjoy the power of Nginx.
  3. rtMedia – This project is as old as rtCamp! We started it with a different name. The idea behind this project is even older. I wanted to build it back in late 2007 for my college. Much before BuddyPress became part of Automattic.


  1. Visiting Faculty and External Examiner at multiple engineering colleges in Pune.
  2. Involved in making recommendations in Engineering curriculum at College of Engineering, Pune, as a member of the Department Postgraduate Program Committee (DPPC).

Past Work

  1. Devils’ Workshop – a Technical blog which gave me my first identity on the Internet and helped me explore WordPress and PHP.
  2. Orkutfeeds – My first successful experiment, which received well over 1 million daily hits at its peak. As always, I failed to monetize it.
  3. rtSocial – This is a minimal but almost abandoned project as of now. I love it because of its fastest social media sharing plugin with share-counts!

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