Upcoming WordCamp Trips – Singapore, Bhopal, Nashik & US

Some details about my upcoming WordCamp trips to Singapore, Bhopal, Nashik, and US.

I can’t thank enough to WordCamps for giving me an opportunity to travel across the world! ?
This time, I have 4 WordCamp trips lined up at the moment for rest of the year 2016:

  1. WordCamp Singapore
  2. WordCamp Bhopal
  3. WordCamp Nashik
  4. WordCamp US

I am fortunate to have been approved as a speaker at WordCamp Singapore and Bhopal.
I have applied to speak at WordCamp Nashik and the US also. Let’s see how it goes! ?

WordCamp Singapore

As we have some clients in Singapore, most notably Rotimatic, we have planned a longer trip.
Vivek and I will be in Singapore from September 2-8. Then I will be in Thailand from September 8-13.
My weekend is free in Singapore as well as Bangkok. So if you are in either of these cities, please get in touch. I would love to catch up with some wp-friends! 🙂

WordCamp Bhopal

It will be day-trip only. I will be reaching Sep 24 morning and will be flying out in the evening.
The only place I wanted to visit in Bhopal is Union Carbide Factory which was the location of world’s worst industrial disaster.  But I heard that it’s off-limit to the visitors.

WordCamp Nashik

In Nashik, I have some close friends. So most likely I will go a day earlier i.e. October 15, and return a day later i.e. October 17.
If you are coming earlier or staying for an extra day at Nashik, please get in touch. Maybe we can party together at Sula wines! ?

WordCamp US 2016

It’s more than three months away! But this time, I am planning a longer US trip, and I want to travel/stay with more wp-friends.
I am still flexible on dates as I yet to start any booking.
Current US trip outline is:

  1. Nov 19 – Fly out of India
  2. Nov 19-Nov 25 – Spend a week in New York
  3. Nov 26-Nov 28 – Spend weekend with an old friend in Norfolk (Virginia)
  4. Nov 28-Dec 4 – Spend a week in Philadelphia
  5. Dec 5 – Fly back to India

Although WordCamp US is on Dec 2-4, there is a Post Status Publish event on Dec 1 in Philly which I don’t want to miss.
Going by the trend, I hope some pre-events to be scheduled later in Philly before WordCamp, and I don’t want to miss any of them.
So if you would like to travel together or stay together in Philly or NY, please get in touch. I love to stay with friends from WordPress community at a big AirBnB house. Last year, we were six, and we had a great time and saving.?
I plan to finish all US trip bookings by the end of Septemeber. So get in touch with me if you like to travel/stay together for WordCamp US 2016. ✈️


Tareq August 30, 2016 Reply

Nice, a long queue. I’ll attending WordCamp Singapore and WordCamp Nashik as well, haven’t planned the WC US yet. It’s a long way and I feel lazy this year 😉 But would be cool to stay with the WP folks.

rahul286 August 30, 2016 Reply

Great. We will meet twice atleast. Try to come a day earlier to Nashik. 🙂

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