Itinerary for PressNomics 2016 Trip

Plan for PressNomics-4 US Trip. Including details about road-trip.

Below is my travel plan for PressNomics trip. (all date and time references in local timezone)

  • Feb 26: Leave from Mumbai Airport (2AM flight)
  • Feb 26: Reach San Francisco  (afternoon)
  • Feb 26 noon – Feb 28: Spend time in and around San Francisco. Meeting some interesting people and friends. If you live around, we can catchup.
  • Feb 29: Leave San Francisco early morning. Try to reach Los Angeles before late night. This is road-trip via Big Sur route. If you like to get a ride just get back to me.
  • March 1: Spend time in LA.
  • March 2: Leaving Los Angeles. Reaching Tempe in afternoon.
  • March 3-4: PressNomics! Meeting amazing people from the WordPress economy.
  • March 5: In first half, attend a cultural activity. I have not played golf but I am surely not interested in botanical garden. So if you are at PressNomics, we will catch @Golf Course.
  • March 5 afternoon: Leave Tempe for Grand Canyon. Night stay around Grand Canyon. If you have any nice recommendations, please share.
  • March 6: From Grand Canyon to Los Angeles. Full day on road, I assume!
  • March 7-8: Spend time in LA.
  • March 9: Afternoon flight back to India.
  • March 11: Reach Mumbai Airport (around 1AM).

If you have any suggestions, or would like to join us for road-trip for any part, let me know.
For road-trip, we are already three – me, Nirav and Bhavesh. So we accommodate 1 or 2 folks only.

Excited about PressNomics

After attending, speaking and organising a WordCamp, I am excited to attend a different kind of WordPress community conference. I hope to learn a lot from many people. 🙂
The conference is already sold out, but if you are looking for a ticket, you may follow PressNomics on twitter.
Links: PressNomics | PressNomics on Twitter | Me on Twitter

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