Being Part of Smart India Hackathon 2017

On the weekend, I was honored to be a judge at the grand finale of Smart India Hackathon 2017 world's biggest hackathon organized by Government of India.

On the weekend, I was honored to be a judge at the grand finale of Smart India Hackathon 2017 world’s biggest hackathon organized by Government of India. 🇮🇳

In the final, more than 10,000 students in 1,266 team worked on 598 problems identified by 29 ministries and government departments for 36-hours non-stop at 26 different locations.

My duty was at College of Engineering, Pune (COEP) – the same college from where I have complete my masters! 🎓

COEP center had more than 50 teams. I could see work of almost 25 teams closely, and I was thrilled to see passion, innovation and desire to change the society among students.

Many people and organizations deserve credit for executing such a grand scale event successfully, but needless to say, the leadership of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi played a significant role! 🙏

I wish I could write a lot more about the event! But it’s a busy day today as I am packing for Pressnomics (USA) trip for which I will be leaving tomorrow.

You can see more about the event using these hashtags – #SmartIndiaHackathon2017 and #sih2017 or just google for Smart India Hackathon.

Below is a picture of memento I have received and some tweets for my personal archives! 😊

One Comment

pankaj karnwal July 30, 2017 Reply

Nice article thanks for sharing with us.

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